de: |
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658) - Umgang mit den Waldensern |
en: |
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658) - Attitude towards the Waldenses |
fr: |
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658) - Attitude envers les vaudois |
it: |
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658) - Atteggiamento verso i valdesi |
This subject is dealt with in the following entries: |
- 'Avenge, O Lord, Thy Slaughtered Saints.': Cromwell's Intervention on Behalf of the Vaudois [Article]
- A Collection of the Several Papers Sent to His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. Concerning the Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties, committed on many thousands of Reformed, or Protestants dwelling in the Vallies of Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy's Forces, joyned therein with the French Army, and severall Irish Regiments. Published by Command of his Highness [Book]
- A Collection or Narative Sent to His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. Concerning the Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties, committed on many thousands of Reformed, or Protestants dwelling in the Vallies of Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy’s Forces, joyned therein with the French Army, and severall Irish Regiments. Published by Command of his Highness [Book]
- A Declaration of His Highness, with the Advice of his Council, Inviting the people of England and Wales to a Day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation. [With "Instructions to be observed touching the Collection appointed by the Declaration of his Highness and the Council hereunto annexed"] [Book]
- A Proclamation For perfecting the Collection For relief of The Protestant Inhabitants of the Valleys of Lucern, Angrona &c [Book]
- Cromwell e i Valdesi : una vicenda non del tutto chiarita [Article]
- Cromwell's intervention in 1655 to halt the confessional cleansing of Milton's 'slaughtered saints' in Piedmont [Article]
- Een declaratie van syn Hoogheyt, met advyse van sijn Raedt: noodende het volck van Engeland ende Wales tot een solemnele vasten-dach ende humilatie [Book]
- I valdesi e l’Inghilterra [Article]
- L'intervento di Samuel Morland durante le persecuzioni valdesi [Article]
- L'intervento diplomatico inglese a favore dei Valdesi in occasione delle Pasque Piemontesi del 1655
- L'opinione pubblica inglese e le «Pasque Piemontesi» : nuovi documenti [Article]
- Letter of thanks from the Protestants of the valleys of Piedmont to his Highness the Lord Protector [Book]
- Letters of state written by Mr. John Milton, to most of the sovereign princes and republicks of Europe, from the year 1649, till the year 1659 ; to which is added, an account of his life ; together with several of his poems, and a catalogue of his works, never before printed. [Book]
- Lettre des Protestans des Vallées de Piemont a Mylord Protectevr d’Angleterre. [Book]
- Mais où sont les neiges d'antan : la colletta inglese del 1655 per i valdesi [Article]
- Matchlesse Crueltie, declared At large in the ensuing History of the Waldenses : Apparently manifesting unto the World the horrible Persecutions which they have suffered by the Papists, for the space of four hundred and fifty years. Wherein is related their Original and Beginning; their Piety and Purity in religion, both for Doctrine and Discipline. Likewise, hereunto is added an exact Narrative of the late Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murders, and other unheard of Cruelties committed on many thousands of the Protestants, dwelling in the Valleys of Piedmont, &c. by the Duke of Savoy’s forces, joyned with the French army, and several bloody Irish regiments. Published by Command of his Highness, the Lord Protector. [Book]
- Medieval Heretics and Cromwell's Protectorate [Article]
- Milton e i Valdesi : Segnalazione di una fonte del sonetto sul "massacro" [Article]
- Oliver Cromwell e la causa valdese : con altri saggi sul nonconformismo religioso nell'Inghilterra del XVII secolo [Book]
- Olivier Cromwell, Genève et les Vaudois du Piémont 1655-1656 [Article]
- Reazioni inglesi alla «primavera di sangue» valdese del 1655 [Article]
- Sabaudiensis in Reformatam Religionem persecutionis brevis narratio; ex scriptis Potentissimo Principi Olivero, Reipublicae Angliae, Scotiae & Hiberniae Protectori, Nuper communicatis desumpta et In methodum digesta [Book]
- The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont. Containing a most exact Geographical Description of the Place, and a faithfull Account of the Doctrine, Life, and Persecutions of the Ancient Inhabitants. Together, with a most naked and punctual Relation of the late bloudy Massacre, 1655. And a Narrative of all the following Transactions, to the Year of Our Lord, 1658. All which are justified, partly by divers Ancient Manuscripts written many hundred Years before Calvin or Luther, and partly by other most Authentick Attestations: The true Originals of the greatest part whereof are to be seen in their proper Languages by all the curious, in the Publick Library of the famous University of Cambridge. Collected and compiled with much pains und industry by Samuel Morland, Esq.; During his abode in Geneva, in quality of His Highness Commissioner Extraordinary for the Affairs of the said Valleys and particularly for the Distribution of the Collected Moneys, among the remnant of those poor distressed People.
[Collective work]
- The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe During the Early Part of the Reign of Louis XIV. Illustrated in a Series of Letters Between Dr. John Pell, Resident Ambassador with the Swiss Cantons, Sir Samuel Morland, Sir William Lockhart, Mr. Secretary Thurloe, and other distinguished men of the time. Now first published from the originals. With an introd. on the character of Cromwell, and of his times. [Book]
- The Protestant Interest in Cromwell's Foreign Relations. Inaugural-Disertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg [Book]
- Toleranz und Irenik im England der 1650er Jahren : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen [Article]
- Translating a massacre : Jean-Baptiste Stouppe and the Waldensian slaughter of 1655 between propaganda, religion and diplomacy [Book]
- Zur Verteidigung des »Protestant Cause« : Die konfessionelle Diplomatie Englands und der eidgenössischen Orte Zürich und Bern 1655/56 [Article]
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